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Using regripper on MacOS

· One min read
Jan Starke
Senior Forensic Analyst
git clone

cpan install Parse::Win32Registry

# find out where Parse::Win32Registry was installed

cp -r /usr/local/Cellar/perl/5.34.0/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.34.0/Parse .

mv *.pm Parse/Win32Registry/WinNT/

Fixing construction of the plugins path

On unixoid systems, ignores the folder where it is stored and looks for the plugins folder in the current working directory ( This can be fixed using the following patch:

diff --git a/Analysis/RegRipper3.0/ b/Analysis/RegRipper3.0/
index 8f626a7..9027209 100644
--- a/Analysis/RegRipper3.0/
+++ b/Analysis/RegRipper3.0/
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ $str =~ s/($path[scalar(@path) - 1])//;
# code updated 20190318
my $plugindir;
($^O eq "MSWin32") ? ($plugindir = $str."plugins/")
- : ($plugindir = File::Spec->catfile("plugins"));
+ : ($plugindir = File::Spec->catfile($str, "plugins"));
#my $plugindir = $str."plugins/";
#my $plugindir = File::Spec->catfile("plugins");
#print "Plugins Dir = ".$plugindir."\n";

Usage example

PERL5LIB=$(pwd) perl -r Amcache.hve -p amcache_tln >amcache.tln

Convert TLN format to bodyfile format

awk -F '|' '{OFS="|";print 0,$5,0,0,0,0,0,-1,$1,-1,-1}' <test.tln |TZ=UTC mactime -b - -d